EIBOARD Live Recording System Helps Online Teaching & Learning

EIBOARD Live Recording System Helps Online Teaching & Learning As educators gain more experience in blended and fully distance learning models, they are optimizing classroom technology to meet the needs of students. Teachers must have creative ways to actively attract remote students, not just asynchronous teaching that sends recorded lessons to students’ home devices for viewing on their own time. With the help of collaborative technology tools, teachers can promote synchronized classroom discussion and sharing, and make up for the social distance setting of the mixed learning environment.   An effective blended learning plan goes far beyond the scope of online transfer of assignments and courses, and accustomed to video calls. The forward-looking hybrid classroom makes technology the core of teachers' daily teaching and student collaboration. Digital classroom solutions are tailored to meet the needs of educators, students and parents. The new generation of interactive digital whiteboards uses smart classroom methods. With enhanced connectivity and collaboration tools, these displays make it easier for students and teachers to communicate face-to-face and online. Although video calls are bridging the physical gap, this interaction can only provide so many benefits. Classroom whiteboards or video kits that students can remotely access in real time create an immersive experience more similar to classrooms for students at home. With these tools, schools can begin to change the digital environment to improve the student body. Although technology has enhanced the classroom learning experience in the past 20 years, teachers are often required to use multiple devices for various purposes. New technologies bring more solutions together in one place. A large interactive display equipped with the tools needed for real-time collaboration can be the core of the learning environment. Notes can be easily shared between remote laptops, desktop computers, smartphones or tablets, allowing remote students to actively collaborate with classmates. The content can also be saved and archived on the display, so distance learning students can receive a complete review via email—including visual effects and notes. For students who are brainstorming in person, the new interactive display can explain up to 20 touchpoints simultaneously. The display includes a built-in document viewer—allowing students to work with the files they normally view on their computer or mobile device—as well as image editing and drawing tools. Solution providers are now collaborating to introduce first-class educational tools into teaching. In order to create an effective blended learning environment, educators must ensure that the tools they use are good at what they do. The video quality needs to be stable and clear, and the audio must be clear and clear. EIBOARD cooperated with the network provider to create a blended learning solution. This setup uses a sophisticated, 4K-capable wide-angle camera that can capture the entire classroom and track the teacher. The video is paired with high-quality audio from the built-in microphone and speakers. The Room Kit is bundled with EIBOARD's interactive display and supports features such as multiple side-by-side windows (for example, a teacher or presenter broadcasts course materials next to it). Another key to an effective blended learning program is to keep the learning curve low so that educators and students will not be overwhelmed by their new classroom technology. The design of the interactive whiteboard is very intuitive-a tool that users can use without any training. EIBOARD is designed for simplicity with minimal clicks, and technology partner tools are designed for plug and play. Students can focus on the topic of study, rather than how to use the tool. When it is safe again, the classroom will be full of students. But the mixed and mixed learning model will not disappear. Some students will continue to go to school remotely because it meets their needs and allows them to thrive. Before the school reopens for full face-to-face learning, teachers and students should make full use of all that distance learning provides. When you are looking for ways to enhance your digital classroom, consider EIBOARD’s home learning toolkit.