Interactivity and simplicity of a smart board

Multi-touch writing EIBOARD interactive smart panel board is ideal for creative, inspired creation in art classes. Guarantee users to enjoy an effortless experience that feels like writing and drawing with actual pens and brushes. Many traditional Interactive Whiteboards only recognized two points of touch, which means that students and teachers may use only two fingers to explore their content. With 20 point touch, EIBOARD interactive flat panel allows up to ten fingers can be in use at once, digging in and exploring the content on the interactive screen. This also makes it easier for multiple students to work together on projects, taking their learning to the next level through collaboration. Simplicity is Key With the latest incarnations of interactive touch panels, there’s no need to calibrate the system every time it’s turned on. Projectors are no longer required and subsequently, the expense and frustrations around replacing bulbs are eliminated. This means that there’s less class time lost on technology issues and more time spent actually working–something that every teacher is sure to appreciate. Providing teachers with technology that will allow them to focus more on the lesson makes it easier for them to complete their goals for the day.